Viewpoint in Russian Media: Multimodal Analysis via Conceptual Blending

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Dr Anna Pleshakova, University of Oxford, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, Russian and East European Studies wygłosi wykład
Viewpoint in Russian Media: Multimodal Analysis via Conceptual Blending
środa, 18.05.2016, godz. 10:30, ul. Żurawia 4, sala 108
There is a need to understand how persuasive and manipulative media messages are conveyed to the audiences, and how and why they are likely to be understood by the audiences. One way of answering such a need is to create and analyse the respective mass media datasets. The creation and analysis of the ‘international TV news’ datasets are central to the on-going international research project on multimodal communication ‘Red Hen Lab’ directed jointly by Professors Francis Steen and Mark Turner (Steen & Turner 2013, also see
The talk will present multimodal study of Russian TVC (ТВЦ) news shows conducted in the frames of the pilot project on multimodal communication analysis of Russian TV news funded by three small research grants (two CEELBAS grants and U of Oxford VCD grant). The pilot uses Red Hen Lab as a platform to create and analyze a pilot dataset of Russian TVC news. Utilizing conceptual integration/blending (Fauconnier & Turner 2002) and blended joint attention (Turner 2014; Nesset et al 2014) as the core method, the study focuses on the analysis of viewpoint construction and constraints. In so doing the study explores Russian culturally-shared frames the construction of viewpoint relies upon, and looks into how verbal and visual modes integrate to produce the viewpoint effects.
Dr Anna Pleshakova, University of Oxford, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, Russian and East European Studies is engaged in research in the fields of cognitive linguistics, cognitive poetics, critical discourse studies, multimodal communication studies and cultural studies, especially on multimodal analysis and conceptual integration/blending analysis of Russian media discourse.
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