Poland: Policing Women, Policing Minorities

Agnieszka Kościańska
Rok wydania: 
Tytuł książki / czasopisma: 
"Social Research: An International Quarterly" vol. 91 no. 4

Polecamy najnowszy numer "Social Research: An International Quarterly", a w nim artykuł prof. Agnieszki Kościańskiej

The departure point for this essay is the massive 2020 pro-choice protests following a ruling by Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal that restricted access to abortion. The essay analyzes police violence during these demonstrations, which was mostly directed at young, urban, middle-class women, and draws attention to changing Polish attitudes toward the police and their brutality vis-à-vis notions of class, gender, race, and ethnicity. In the preceding 30 years, there had been many cases of police brutality in Poland, mostly targeting minorities, migrants, and working-class men, but these had been ignored by the Polish public. Only after police violence was directed toward young, urban, middle-class women did the Polish public finally start to take notice.

Artykuł jest częścią numeru monograficznego pisma "Social Research: An International Quarterly", organu The New School for Social Research (wydawca Johns Hopkins University Press), pt. Policing, więcej: https://www.socres.org/
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