mgr Magdalena Góralska

Studia doktoranckie 
Szkoła Doktorancka Nauk Humanistycznych UW


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Obszary zainteresowań

antropologia nowych mediów, antropologia medyczna, cyfrowa etnografia, Internet, nowe technologie rolnicze, misinformacja, choroby wirusowe i bakteryjne, robactwo, teoria afektu 

Doświadczenie badawcze i dydaktyczne

Prowadzę badania etnograficzne w obszarach moich zainteresowań od 2010 roku, z krótkimi przerwami. W latach 2010-2013 prowadziłam badania dot. wielokulturowości w Warszawie wśród warszawskich organizacji pozarządowych, zbierając materiał do mojej pracy licencjackiej na IEiAK UW. W ramach równoległych studiów na Wydziale Artes Liberales analizowałam dyskursy medialne o organizmach genetycznie modyfikowanych oraz biotechnologii rolniczej, przy okazji mających wówczas miejsce zmian legislacyjnych. W 2013 roku przeprowadziłam się do Kalkuty (Indie), gdzie badałam relacje między tożsamścią, jedzeniem, a historią kolonialną. Po dwóch latach w Indiach, w tym po rocznych studiach magisterskich studiach na Jadavpur University w Kalkucie, wróciłam do Polski z zamiarem podjęcia badań etnograficznych nad społecznościami otwartej współpracy i wymiany wiedzy w Internecie. Pracując jako asystentka w projekcie poświęconym tej tematyce u prof. Dariusza Jemielniaka w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego, udało mi się uzyskać finansowanie na własny projekt badawczy o wiedzy eksperckiej w Internecie, w ramach programu Diamentowy Grant. Również podczas moich studiów magisterskich na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim współpracowałam z badaczami zajmującymi się problematyką komunikacji cyfrowej, w tym głównie tematyką dezinformacji oraz misinformacji.

W ciągu ostatnich lat pracowałam także sporadycznie jako badaczka UX, jak również angażowałam moje umiejętności badawcze we współpracy z organizacjami pozarządowymi.

Moje doświadczenie dydaktyczne sporwadza się do organizowania otwartych spotkań w ramach moich studiów na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim i Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim, a także działalności edukacyjnej w Stowarzyszeniu Naukowym Collegium Invisibile, którego byłam członkinią-studentką w latach 2012-2019.


Book Contributions
‘Rodzina indyjska za granicą’, in: Namaste Polsko! Sytuacja i potrzeby imigrantów z Indii w Polsce, I. Bąbiak and K. Gmaj (ed.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warsaw 2015, ISBN 978-83-7383-765-2. 
 ‘Studenci zagraniczni na drodze do integracji’ (with A. Arcichowska), in: Bieg przez płotki. Bariery na drodze do integracji migrantów w Polsce, A. Mikulska and H. Patzer (ed.), Helisnki Foundation for Human Rights, Warsaw 2012, ISBN 978-83-62245-13-0.

Journal Articles
‘Anthropology from Home. Advice on Digital Ethnography for the Pandemic Times ’, in: Anthropology in Action 1/2020, March 2020. 
‘The Stadium as a Witness. A Story of a Changing Monument’ (with H. Patzer and M. Winkowska), in: Widok. Teorie i praktyki kultury wizualnej: Warsaw-Moscow. Monuments of Transformatio 9/2015, March 2016.
‘O jedzeniu i tożsamości w Kalkucie. Trzy historie o apetycie’,  in: Bliza. Kwartalnik artystyczny: Kultura kuchni 3 (20), September 2014.
‘Chinatown od kuchni. Historia, smaki a tożsamość wspólnoty chińskiej w Kalkucie’, in: Czas Kultury. Polityka Smaku 5/2013, January 2014: 50-59.
‘Autentyczność na talerzu’, in: (Op.cit.,) Maszyna interpretacyjna. Czasopismo kulturalno-społeczne 43, October 2012: 70–75.

Coronavirus Writings
‘The Visible Hand of empathy: social mobilisation on Facebook against the negative effects of the lockdown in Poland’, in:, by Digital Anthropology UCL, 05.05.2020. 
 ‘The New Public Care: Seeking Coronavirus Truth through Networked Publics’, in: Consciously Quarantined, by Medical Anthropology UCL, 03.05.2020. 
‘Online COVID-19 repositories of cures in Poland: digital distrust, misinformation, collaboration’, in:, by Digital Anthropology UCL, 21.04.2020. 
‘From content moderation to social media censorship? Thoughts on COVID-19 infodemic from a post-socialist misinformation frontier’, in: Medium, 01.04.2020

Projekty badawcze

Lyme disease and the Internet. An anthropological study of medical controversies in the Digital Age
University of Warsaw, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Oct 2020– Sept 2023
Methods: ethnography, digital ethnography, CDA
Type: PhD research project
Funding: Preludium BiS, National Science Centre
Role: Main Researcher, Associate Researcher

Network strategies of knowledge production on the Internet. Case studies of GMO and the Zika virus
Kozminski University, Department of Management in Networked and Digital Societies
Oct 2016 – June 2021
Methods: ethnography, digital ethnography
Type: Pre-doc research project
Funding: Diamond Grant, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Role: Primary Investigator

Misinformation, Science and Media
Oxford University, Oxford Internet Institute, Reuters Institute
Dec 2017 – March 2019
Method: systematic review, literature meta-analysis, bibliometrics, network analysis
Funding: Oxford Martin School
Role: Researcher

Computational Propaganda Project: Mid-term US elections
Oxford University, Oxford Internet Institute
Sept 2018
Method: Online discourse analysis
Role: Research Assistant

Cultural norms and social organization in open collaboration communities
Kozminski University, Department of Management in Networked and Digital Societies
Oct 2015 – Jan 2019
Methods: virtual ethnography
Funding: National Science Centre, Poland
Role: Research Assistant

HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks
Oxford University, Oxford Internet Institute
07 – 21 Feb 2017
Methods: network analysis
Funding: EU-Funded project within the H2020-ICT-2014-1 call. Project number: 645043.
Role: Research Assistant

Konferencje, seminaria, wykłady gościnne

Conference Panels
2020    No Time to Not Know. Bottom-up Expertise, Grass-root Authorities, and Agency in the Age of Digital Knowledge, 4S/EASST Joint Meeting, Praha, Czechia, 18-21 August 
2020    Health, Care, Dis(abilities), 4S/EASST Joint Meeting, Praha, Czechia, 18-21 August

Conference Papers
2021    For Health of the Nation, Unite Online: Medical Controversies, Civil Disobedience and the Future of Democracy in the Light of Expert Authority Crisis, Weizenbaum Conference “Democracy in Flux – Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres”, Berlin, October 19-20
2020    Remoteness by design. Rethinking participant observation for the ethnographic study of Internet, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) Berlin, Workshop “Being “here”, researching “there”: Reflecting on Temporal and Spatial Remoteness in Ethnography”, Berlin, 2-3 December 2020
2020    Approaching the Internet of Knowledge with an Ethnographic Tool-kit: Polish Facebook Users Seeking Health Advice in the Age of Information Chaos, Digital Truth-Making: Ethnographic Perspectives on Practices, Infrastructures and Affordances of Truth- Making in Digital Societies, CARMAH, Humboldt University, Berlin, October 7-9
2020    Ethnographic surfing, flaneuring and hitchhiking in the digital fieldwork: Towards rethinking of participant observation for the study of Internet, VANDA2020: Vienna Anthropology Days, Online Conference, Panel: Digital Ethnography Controbiuted Papers, Vienna, 28 Sept – 2 Oct
2020    Understanding Health Communication with Ethnography: Medical Anthropology Makes Friends with New Media Studies and STS, EASA Medical Anthropology Young Scholars Workshop ‘Medical Anthropology and Its Others’, September
2020    Godzilla vs King Kong. Studying Pro-Science and Alternative Health Discourses Across the Web in Times of Information Chaos, 4S/EASST Joint Meeting, Praha, Czechia, 18-21 August 
2020    The New Public Care as the Future of Healing: Is Community Health Advice an Answer to the Crisis of Expert Authority in Poland?, 16th EASA Biennial Conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, Lisbon, Portugal, July 21-24
2019     Digital Distrust Theory: On the Internet, Power, and Expert Authority Crisis, 4S 2019 New Orleans: Innovation, Interruptions, Regenerations. Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, September 4th
2019    Public Car e and Digital Distrust: An Ethnography of Knowledge Activism in Times of Misinformation, The 1st Data-Stories Conference: New Media Aesthetics and Rhetorics for Critical Digital Ethnography, Volos, Greece, 2nd June
2019    Autostopem przez galaktykę, czyli badając misinformację w Internecie, Obóz Wiosenny Collegium Invisibile, Warsaw, Poland, 12th May
2018    Digitally Induced Disinformation, Digital Champions: V Forum Liderów Cyfrowego Biznesu, Warsaw, Poland, 22nd November
2018    We Love (and Hate) GMOs and Vaccines’: Conspiracy Theories, Epistemological Resistance Practices and Knowledge Activism in the Social Web, 15th EASA Biennial Conference: Staying – Moving – Settling, Stockholm, Sweden, 17th August
2018    Science Miscommunication Online. An Overview, Bletchley Park Week Seminars, University of Oxford, Oxford, 9th March
2017    Science Communication Online: Fake News, Bubbles, and Algorithms, Kellogg College Seminars, University of Oxford, Oxford, 26th October
2017       OxDeg: Bull in a China Shop. Mixing Methods in a Difficult Field Research Online, talk being a part of the Digital Ethnography Seminar Series, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, 24th May
2015    Good technologies, bad technologies. On the modernization of agriculture in post-socialist Poland - the case of biotechnology and the implementation of EU policy, presented at the EASST Conference “Technosciences of Post/Socialism. Technosciences, materialities and knowledge production in Eastern Europe”, Budapest, Hungary, 3-5th September 
2015    Food patriotism: Polish means natural, natural means good? The case of GMOs in post-socialist Poland, presented at the 12th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore SIEF “Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century”, Zagreb, Croatia, 21-25th June
2015    Entangled. Violence, popular culture and sexualisation of foreign women in India, presented at the 9th European Feminist Research Conference “Sex & Capital”, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 4th  June
2015    Power over the kitchen. Food, class and gender relations in a modern-day Indian family, presented at the 9th European Feminist Research Conference “Sex & Capital”,  University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 5th  June
2015    Artificiality versus naturalness? Foreign versus Polish? Biotechnology, nature and “genetically modified food” in post-socialist Poland, presented at the 4th Annual Student-Led Oxford Food Forum Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2nd May
2014    Politicized seeds and the artificiality of nature. Debate on “genetically engineered” plants in post-socialist Poland, presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Cluj, Romania,  22nd November
2014      Artificiality versus naturalness? Foreign versus Polish? Debate on “genetically engineered” plants in post-socialist Poland, presented at the Perugia Food Studies Conference, 2nd Edition, The Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy, 6th June
2013    GMO. Jak to ugryźć?, presented at the student conference “Festiwal Prezentacji: CLAS TED Talks”, University of Warsaw, 22nd May
2013     O co chodzi z GMO?, lecture for the Food Seminar Series at the Polish Academy of Sciences, 28th March, Warsaw

Other Academic Events and Popular Talks
2018    Public talk World Nomad Games: Horses, politics, and heritage in Central Asia, Museum of Asia and Pacific in Warsaw, 4th December
2018    Kellogg Colloquia. A series of interdisciplinary seminar at the Kellogg College, University of Oxford, January to June, Oxford
2018    Connected Life Conference 2018. Information Control. A multidisciplinary Internet research conference at Oxford Internet Institute, 19th June, Oxford
2017    Connected Life Conference 2017. Digital Inequalities. A multidisciplinary Internet research conference at Oxford Internet Institute, 19th June 2017, Oxford 
2017    Kellogg Colloquia. A series of interdisciplinary seminar at the Kellogg College, University of Oxford, May to November, Oxford
2015    Ethnology without Borders. The 4th International Convention of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Students from Central Europe: Post-future? Rethinking Postsocialism in Central Eastern Europe at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw, 07-10th October 2015, Warsaw
2012    Public debate State:Citizen – 1:0?Citizen participation in the organization of EURO 2012 UEFA Football Championships, Res Publica Foundation with the Student Association of Political Anthropology, University of Warsaw, 6th June 2012, Warsaw
2011    Public debate Pride and Glory? From the Palace of Science and Culture to Marchant Department Stores. Transformation of public spaces in Warsaw since 1989, Res Publica Foundation with the Warsaw Anthropology Project "Space" of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Warsaw

Nagrody i stypendia

Preludium BIS, National Science Centre
Type: PhD Research Grant
Oct 2020 – Oct 2023
Details: Borreliosis and the Internet. Medical controversies in the digital age

Diamond Grant, Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland
Type: Young Scholar Research Grant
Jan 2017 – Dec 2020
Details: Network strategies of expert knowledge production on the Internet. Case studies of GMO and the zika virus

Kellogg College Scholarship Award, University of Oxford
Type: College Fee Award
Sept 2016 – June 2018
Indian Council of Cultural Relations
Type: General Scheme Scholarship
Jul 2014 – Apr 2016
Details: Tuition for two-year M.A. Sociology Course, living and research expenses 

Centre for Thought of John Paul II, the City of Warsaw
Type: College Student Scholarship
Oct 2012 – Jun 2013
Details: Studentship for active, talented students from low-income families

Collegium Invisibile Academic Society
Type: Outstanding Student Award Program
May 2012 – May 2019
Details: Scholarship for talented Polish students

University of Warsaw
Type: Rector’s Academic Achievement Award
Oct 2011 – Jun 2012
Details: Scholarship for talented students of the University of Warsa

Członkostwo w organizacjach

Medical Anthropology Young Scholars EASA, Network Coordinator 2020-2022
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology: Member 2020
Society for Social Studies of Science: Member since 2019
European Association of Social Anthropology: Member 2018, 2020
Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore: Member 2015
AtGender – The European Association for Gender Research: Member 2015
Graduate Association for Food Studies: Member 2014
Collegium Invisibile Academic Society: Member 2012-2019, Alumni