"Od sztetla do pożydowskiego miasteczka" konferencja
Zapraszamy na konferencję w Muzeum POLIN poświęconą obserwacji jak sztetle stały się pożydowskimi miasteczkami i jak ich żydowskie społeczności są pamiętane przez tych, którzy żyli tam kiedyś i dzisiaj. Konferencja i rejestracja prowadzone są w języku angielskim

While the historical shtetl has been studied extensively, the post-Jewish town, as a historical phenomenon and evolving site of contested memory, has received less attention. After the Holocaust, the many towns where Jewish communities had lived for centuries and where they had created a distinctive way of life became places without Jews. Gathering scholars from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Israel, and the United States, this conference will explore how shtetls transformed into post-Jewish spaces. Historians, sociologists, anthropologists, architects, archaeologists, and heritage practitioners will discuss this process from various angles, looking at the fate of Jewish architectural heritage (such as cemeteries) and personal property, memory practices among Jews and non-Jews, and the reconstitution of shtetl communities in new places.
We specially encourage you to check out the discussion joined by prof. Tomasz Rakowski from IEiAK planned for Monday, September 9 at 16:20. The general topis is Becoming post-Jewish Towns and the lecture by Prof. Rakowski is focused on Anthropology of Thrift in the Shtetl.