The Influence of COVID 19 on the livelihood of street children on the example of Kisumu County, Kenia

Zapraszamy na Seminarium Afrykanistyczne! Spotkanie z Beryl Okal poprowadzi dr hab. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł, prof. UW.

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Over the years, child abuse has received worldwide attention. This has led to serious concern over the increasing incidence of physical and sexual abuse, child trafficking and child labor worldwide. The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic around the world has not only negatively impacted this group in terms of education, health care, food supply, shelter, safe living and survival, but has increased the number of this suffering group as current caregivers may "stop helping homeless children." Both groups, children and their prospective carers, lost their employment opportunities, their company shrunk and collapsed to closure, contracts they were involved in disappeared, employers changed tactics in terms of employment contracts, working hours, wages among other effects. This caused more street children to appear in every corridor of the world. There is no longer any doubt that street children as a phenomenon of modernization are indeed a social and security problem that needs attention in Kenya. In addition, its rapid growth requires an urgent response. However, a proper response requires reliable and basic information. Currently available information is insufficient and comes mainly from programs and largely only relates to Nairobi.

Bery Okal (Kenia), magistrantka na kierunku Sustainable Development prowadzonym przez Uniwersyteckie Centrum Badań nad Środowiskiem Przyrodniczym i Zrównoważonym Rozwojem (UCBS UW).

Na spotkanie zapraszają:
Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne
Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki UW 
Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW