Health Feminism, Reproductive Knowledge and Women’s Activism Across Europe in the long 20th Century

W dniach 19-21 października 2023 odbyła się organizowana przez University of Konstanz konferencja "Health Feminism, Reproductive Knowledge and Women’s Activism Across Europe in the long 20th Century", na której dr hab. Agnieszka Kościańska, prof. ucz. wygłosiła referat pt. Modern catholic women? Polish religious activism of the 1960s
Abstract: “For many people, birth control has stopped being something permitted under special circumstances, and has started to become a necessity,” argued Anna Morawska, one of the most important figures in Catholic intelligentsia, in 1962. Morawska also reported for the Polish Catholic press during the Second Vatican Council. This paper analyzes her writings and transnational connections to reconstruct the diversity of Polish Catholic approaches to gender, sexuality and reproduction beyond the usual narrative of conservative Polish Catholicism embodied in the teaching of John Paul II, and later in the war on “gender ideology”.