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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 316 11/ fax. 22 55 316 12

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Dr Wojciech Lipiński

assistant professor


email: w.lipinski@uw.edu.pl
telephone: +48 22 55 31 657

Area of interest

I am mostly interested in contemporary ethnical and identity related processes in Eastern Europe and Siberia. I focus on: identity, ethnic relations in small local communities of borderlands, situation of national, ethnic and religious minorities, contemporary processes of construction of nations. I conduct my fieldwork in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Ukraine.


2001 MA in Ethnology, University of Warsaw, Małe ludy Północy w Jakucji. Wizerunek grupy jako składnik tożsamości etnicznej (The Small Peoples of the North in Yakutia. An Image of Group as a Component of Ethnic Identity).
2009 PhD in Ethnology, University of Warsaw, dissertation title: Tożsamość w społeczności wieloetnicznej. Studium relacji etnicznych w północno-wschodniej Jakucji (Identity in a Multiethnic Community. A Study of Ethnic Relations in North-eastern Yakutia).

Ethnography of Europe — Ukraine
Indigenous Peoples
Yakutia — the State and Nations
Practicum in field ethnography. Ethnic Minorities in Budzhak
Practicum in field ethnography. Polissya: Ethnicity on the Borderland
Practicum in field ethnography. Polissya: Ethnography of Ukrainian Village


Selected publications

Selected publications:

Ukraiński Budziak. Mniejszości i państwa narodowe na pograniczu (Ukrainian
Budjak: Minorities and the Nation-State at the Borderland), „Etnografia Polska”, t. LXI, z. 1-2, s. 43-64.

Ethnic Boundaries, the State and the Peoples of Northern Siberia. Ethnicity Transformations in the Olerinska Tundra (Yakutia), “Ethnologia Polona”, vol. 36, 2015, s. 53-76.  

Starożyłowie z Jakucji. Między tradycją tubylczą a kolonialną (Russian Old-Settlers in Yakutia: Between Indigenous and Colonial Tradition), “Etnografia Polska”, t. LVI, z. 1-2, 2012, pp. 65-83.

Ludzie tundry. Tożsamość i granice etniczne na północy Syberii (People of Tundra: Identity and Ethnic Boundaries in Northern Siberia), Wydawnictwo DiG, Warszawa 2011.   

Prace polskich badaczy-zesłańców i ich znaczenie we współczesnej Republice Sacha (Jakucja) ("Works of Polish Researchers-in-Exile and their Significance in the Conteporaty Sakha Republic [Yakutia]"). In: Wschód w polskich badaniach etnologicznych i antropologicznych. Problematyka-badacze-znaczenie, ed. Z. Jasiewicz, 2004, Poznań, pp. 215-226.

From Autostereotype to Megalomania. Cultural Changes among the Small Peoples of the North in Yakutia, [w:] Between Tradition and Postmodernity. Polish ethnography at the Turn of the Millenium, red. L. Mróz, Z. Sokolewicz, Warszawa 2003, str. 137-151.

'Kościół cudzy i ksiądz cudzy'. Rozwój instytucji religijnych na Żytomierszczyźnie w świetle problematyki etnicznej ("'Other People's Church and Other People's Priests'. Development of Religious Institutions in Zhytomyrshchyna in the Context of Ethnic Issues"). In: Podole i Wołyń. Szkice etnograficzne, eds. Ł. Smyrski, M. Zowczak, 2003, Warsaw: DiG, pp. 241-255.

Ewenkowie w Jakucji ("The Evenks in Yakutia"). Sprawy Narodowościowe, 2003, no. 22, pp. 153-160.

Pierwsze narody. Społeczności rdzenne i idea tubylczości we współczesnym świecie (First Nations. Indigenous Communities and the Concept of Indigenousness in the Contemporary World). Co-edited with J. Derlicki, 2002, Warsaw: DiG.

Research projects

Research and fellowships:

2017 – 2018, National Science Centre Grant for research project “Ajyy Religion. New Ethnoreligious Phenomenon in Siberia”  

2010 – 2013, grant from the State Committee for Scientific Research (grant no. N 109 313537) “Ethnic and Religion Differentiation of the Ukrainian Budjak”  

2006 — 2009, dissertation grant from the State Committee for Scientific Research (grant no. 1 H01H 009 30), “Identity in a Multiethnic Community. A Study of Ethnic Relations in North- Eastern Yakutia”, grant director: professor Lech Mróz.

2003-2006, fieldwork within a grant from the State Committee for Scientific Research (grant no. 2H01H 004 25), “Yakutia hundred Years after Sieroszewski”, grant director: professor Lech Mróz.

2002-2003, scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science (Start Programme).

Since 1997 till present, long-term fieldwork (several expeditions) and archive studies in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).

Since 1997 till present, long-term fieldwork in Ukraine (Volyn, Podillya, Crimea, Polissya, Budzhak).