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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 316 11/ fax. 22 55 316 12

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Paweł Bagiński

PhD student



A PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Humanities, University of Warsaw, and a junior researcher in the project "National Habitus Formation and the Process of Civilization in Poland After 1989: A Figurational Approach" funded by the Polish National Science Centre. His dissertation focuses on Polish media discourse from the 1990s and 2000s on sexual harassment in the workplace. Bagiński has been a visiting PhD researcher at the Gender Studies Department of Central European University in Vienna and a recipient of the Dianne Widzinski Visiting Fellowship at the University of Michigan. He holds a BA in sociology and an MA in cultural studies from the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. His scholarly interests encompass gender, violence, work, affect, and postsocialism/neoliberalism in Poland.

Supervisors: Prof. Agnieszka Kościańska, Prof. Marta Bucholc (Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw)

Area of interest

sociology and anthropology of culture, anthropological history, gender studies, violence, work, theories of affect, post-socialism/neoliberalism

Selected publications

Access at Academia.edu:

  • “Rainbow Patriotism” – Sexual and Gender Minority in the Game for the Representation and Reproduction of Polishness, in: Established-Outsiders Relations in Poland. Reconfiguring Elias and Scotson, edited by Marta Bucholc, Palgrave Macmillan (2024).  
  • “Mężczyźni wobec akcji #metoo (#jateż) na polskojęzycznym Facebooku. Analiza reakcji na kryzys normatywny w relacjach między kobietami a mężczyznami” [“Men towards the #metoo (#jateż) action on Polish Facebook. Analysis of reactions to the normative crisis in relations between men and women”], Przegląd Humanistyczny, vol. 4 (275) (2021), 32-48.  
  • “‘We might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem’: on Truth-Discourse About Violence Against Women in the First Phase of the Polish #MeToo (#JaTeż) Action (October 2017) on Facebook”, Stan Rzeczy, vol. 2 (2019), 161-181.
  •  “Feminizm, męskość i kultura emocjonalna mężczyzn identyfikujących się jako feminiści” [“Feminist Men: Emotional Culture, Feminism and Changes in Masculinity”], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, vol. 3 (2019), 245-262.

Research projects

Research team member in the research group "National Habitus Formation and The Process of Civilization in Poland After 1989: A Figurational Approach", PI: Prof. Marta Bucholc, Polish National Science Center SONATA BIS

Co-organizer of the Research Group on Modernization and Social Transformations at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw

Conferences and visiting lectures


  • "Post-socialist affectivity? Preliminary remarks on post-socialism in Poland as the modification of the normative order of affect control in the sphere of gender relations", Workshop “Moving Away from ‘Post-socialism’: Reconceptualizing Scholarly Approaches to Contemporary Eastern Europe and Eurasia through Feminist and Queer Theory Lenses”, Central European University, Budapest, 23-25 September 2022.
  • “Being a Woman in Poland in 1990 is Not Much Fun.” Women’s Timing of the Postsocialist Transition in Poland”, Long-term processes in human history, Norbert Elias Foundation and ​​the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, March 2022.
  • “The Critical Inquiry into Social Constructivist Approach in Sociology of Masculinities. Toward Material-Discursive Analysis of Men and Masculinity”, 17th Polish Sociological Congress in Wrocław, September 2019.