Dr Agata Hummel

Area of interest
anthropology of development and public policies, postdevelopment, economic anthropology, sustainable degrowth, Peasant Studies, social movements, applied research, activist anthropology.
Selected publications
Hummel, Agata and Paula Escribano
2022 Peasants, farmers and tractor drivers. Exploring the power relations between the public authorities and the neo-peasant movement in Catalonia, Spain, “Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment”. Special Issue eds. P. Escribano, A. Hummel. (in press)
Hummel, Agata and Escribano, Paula
2021 The neo-peasant movement in Catalonia: an attempt at defining it in the light of the infrapolitical strategies of resistance. "Sociologia Ruralis". https://doi.org/10.1111/soru.12361
Escribano, Paula, Agata Hummel, Claudio Milano
2020 El papel de la economía informal en los proyectos agroecológicos durante el COVID-19, "Horizontes Antropologicos" 58, pp.437-461 [The role of informal economy in the agroecological projects during COVID-19].
Hummel, Agata
2020 „Uważamy, że praca w polu to jest rewolucja”. Infrapolityka samorządnych inicjatyw wiejskich, "Czas Kultury" 3 [„We think that work in the field is revolution". Infrapolitics of rural self-management initiatives].
Escribano, Paula, Agata Hummel, José Luis Molina, and Miranda J. Lubbers
2020 “Él Es Emprendedor, Pero Yo No; Yo Soy Autónomo”: Autorrepresentación y Subsistencia de Los
Neocampesinos En Cataluña, “AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana” 15(1), 129–156.
Hummel, Agata and Paula Escribano
2019 ¿La Payesía En Disputa? Diferentes Imaginarios En Cataluña, “Publicació Especial por el motiu de la 3ra
Trobada Xarxa de la Terra al Penedes”, https://xarxaterra.noblogs.org/post/2019/04/12/pagesia-en-di....
Hummel, Agata
2017 Szkic o antropologii aktywistycznej. Badanie nowowiejskich inicjatyw w Katalonii, ‘Lud’, 101. 305-332 [An essay on activist anthropology. A study of neo-rural initiatives in Catalonia].
Demmer, Ulrich; Agata Hummel
2017 Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research: the ontological politics of science, ‘Journal of Political Ecology’, 24, pp. 610-622.
Hummel, Agata
2016 Mikrokredyty – droga do rozwoju? Antropologiczne studium wiejskiej społeczności w Meksyku, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań. [Microcredits – a path to development? Anthropological study of a rural community in Mexico]
Hummel, Agata
2015 Edukacja globalna w dialogu z antropologią [w:] red. M. Kuleta-Hulboj i M. Gontarska, Edukacja globalna. Polskie konteksty i inspiracje, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Wrocław, s.115-127. [Global Education in a dialogue with anthropology]
Hummel, Agata
2013 The commercialization of microcredits and local consumerism: examples of over-indebtedness from indigenous Mexico [in:] I. Guérin, S. Morvant-Roux, M. Villarreal (eds) Microfinance, Debt and Over-Indebtedness Juggling with money, Routledge, London & New York, p. 253-271.
Hummel, Agata; Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann
2013 Geografia i antropologia w badaniach regionów tubylczych [w:] red. M. Skoczek, Zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze w regionach tubylczych Meksyku i ich percepcja przez mieszkańców. Przypadek Regionu Mazahua, WGiSR UW, Warszawa, s. 15-35. [Geography and anthropology in the research of indigenous regions]
Hummel, Agata
2013 ¿Es viable la sostenibilidad? El caso de la producción orgánica en la Región Mazahua, [en:] coord. M. Skoczek, Transformaciones ambientales y socioeconómicas en la Región Mazahua, México, WGiSR UW, Warszawa, p. 121-130. [Is sustainability possible? The case of an organic production in the Mazahua Region]
Hummel, Agata
2009 Las prácticas crediticias en el contexto de una comunidad indígena y su economía, ‘Estudios Latinoamericanos’, vol. 29, pp. 35-56. [Credit practices in the context of an indigenous community and its economy]
Hummel, Agata; Anna Wądołowska, Katarzyna Wołoszczak
2009 Hybrydyzacja tożsamości i kultury [w:] red. M. F. Gawrycki, Dzieje Kultury Latynoamerykańskiej, PWN, Warszawa, s. 59-471. [Hybridization of identity and culture]
Hummel, Agata; Urszula Ługowska
2009 Ameryka indiańska, [w:] red. M. F. Gawrycki, Dzieje Kultury Latynoamerykańskiej, PWN, Warszawa, s.141-152. [Indigenous America]
Hummel, Agata
2008 Local Economy and Different Forms of Credits in a Community of Purhépecha Indians in the State of Michoacán, Mexico, ‘Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies’, No 23, p. 169-189.
Hummel, Agata
2008 Los microcréditos en una comunidad indígena de México. Un enfoque sociocultural, “Estudios Latinoamericanos’, no. 28, p. 5-28. [Microcredits in an indigenous community in Mexico. The sociocultural perspective]
Hummel, Agata; Małgorzata Owczarska, Tomasz Wierusz Walknowski
2008 Antropologia rozwoju – pomiędzy praktyką a teorią. Czy mamy ją w Polsce?, Dialogi o Rozwoju, GDRG/MZT. [Anthropology of development – between theory and practice]
Hummel, Agata
2006 Meksykańskie Przedsiębiorstwo wspólnotowe Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro (Michoacán). Model do naśladowania czy przeszkoda na drodze do rozwoju?, ‘Afryka, Azja, Ameryka Łacińska’, Tom. 83, s. 75-88. [Mexican community enterprise of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro (Michoacán). A model to follow or an obstacle on the way to development?]
Hummel, Agata
2005 Mieszkańcy wsi w ich własnych opowieściach, [w:] Łukasz Smyrski (red.), Etnografia lokalnych znaczeń. Monografia społeczności lokalnej okolic Dziewieniszek na Wileńszczyźnie, WUW, Warszawa. [Villagers in their own stories]
Hummel, Agata
2005 Obchody fiesty Año Nuevo Purhépecha w kontekście rewitalizacji etnicznej, ‘Afryka, Azja, Ameryka Łacińska’, Tom 82, s. 47-60. [Celebrations of the Año Nuevo Purhépecha in the context of ethnic revitalization]
Hummel, Agata
2005 El contexto social de la fiesta étnica de Año Nuevo Purhépecha – reflexiones teóricas. ‘Estudios Latinoamericanos’ No. 25, pp. 33-49. [The social context of the ethic fiesta Año Nuevo Purhépecha]
Research projects
2018-2021 Transformation Initiatives in the Andean rural communities. Narratives and strategies of social change from an anthropological perspective. (SONATA Grant NCN: 2017/26/D/HS3/00459)
2019-2021 Rural self-management initiatives and public policies. A conceptualization of neo-peasants (founded by Wenner Gren Foundation).
2017-2018 Neorural initiatives in Catalonia and sustainable development – an anthropological perspective (MINIATURA Grant NCN: 2017/01/X/HS3/00050)
2016-2018 “Popular notions of social justice in the face of the crisis and austerity policies” with the cooperation with University of Barcelona, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, position: researcher.
2011-2012 „Social and economic transformations in Mexican indigenous regions. The case of Mazahua region in the State of Mexico” (National Science Centre) N N1 14 147840 - researcher.
2010-2012 Tutorial grant: "Development projects in the indigenous community in Mexico and their socio-cultural consequences". (Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) N N109 092338 - researcher.
Conferences and visiting lectures
Selected conference and workshop presentations:
- 2021 presentation: “Farm pig slaughter as a revindication of peasant lifestyle in rural Catalonia”, together with Paula Escribano, 15th SIEF Congress: Braking the Rules. Power, Participation, Transgression, June 21-24, 2021, Helsinki.
- 2021 presentation: “El papel de la economía informal en los proyectos agroecológicos durante el COVID-19, , together with Paula Escribano, 7º Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Humanidad: unidad y diversidad, Vila Real (Portugal), July 27-30, 2021.
- 2020 presentation: “Rural self-management initiatives and the public administration in Catalonia (Spain): The question of self-sufficiency and the market economy” , together with Paula Escribano, 16 EASA Biennial Conference 2020: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, July 21-24.
- 2019 presentation: “Ser (neo)campesino en Cataluña: Retos y estrategias para la subsistencia”, together with Paula Escribano , V Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Pensar Culturas, Cambiar Mundos, Madrid, July 9-12, 2019.
- 2018 presentation: “Political resistance through neo-peasant lifestyles. Imaginaries and challenges in Catalonia, Spain, together with Paula Escribano, 6th International Degrowth Conference “Dialogues in turbulent times”, Malmö, August 21-25, 2018.
- 2018 presenation: “Neo-peasants in search of sustainability. Imaginaries, challenges and lifestyles in Catalonia, Spain.” together with Paula Escribano, 15 EASA Biennial Conference 2018: “Staying, Moving, Settling”, August 14-17, 2018
- 2018 presenation: “Political resistance through neo-peasant (im)mobilities. A case study from Catalonia.” together with Paula Escribano, 15 EASA Biennial Conference 2018: “Staying, Moving, Settling”, August 14-17, 2018.
- 2017 presentation: “Back-to-the-landers and neo-rurals. Agro-ecological initiatives from the perspective of activist ethnography”, Telciu Summer Conference: Postsocialist/Postcolonial Rural Lifeworlds vs Degrowth, Defuturing, Decoloniality, Telciu, Rumunia, Center for the Study of Modernity and the Rural World, August 10-12,2017.
- 2017 presentation: “O antropologii aktywistycznej. Badanie nowowiejskich inicjatyw w Katalonii” VI Transdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Research „Between cognition and change. Progress, controversies and perspectives in a contemporary qualitative research, Wrocław, June 20-22, 2017, University of Wrocław, Poland.
- 2016 lecturing at and participation in the Summer School on Socially Sustainable Degrowth, ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, July 4-15, 2016.
- 2016 presentation: “Neorural communities in Catalonia. Values and economic practices of agro-ecological alternatives’ at CREOLE Intensive Program: “European Anthropology under Construction: new approaches, methodologies, theories, and challenges for the Century’, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, July 11-16, 2016
- 2015 presentation: “The dialog between global education and anthropology’, V. International Conference on Critical Education. Analyze, Educate, Organize. Critical Education for Social and Economic Justice, University of Lower Silesia School of Education Wrocław, Poland, June 15-18, 2015.
- 2015 presentation: ‘Wondering stories – the example of animation and ethnography fusion’ , IV Transdisciplinary Conference on Qualitative Research, Poznań, Poland, May 27-29, 2015.
- 2012 presentation: ‘¿Es viable la sustentabilidad? El caso de la producción orgánica en la región Mazahua’ presentation at the XVIII Polish-Mexican Symposium ‘Transformaciones ambientales y socioeconómicas en la Región Mazahua, como efecto de globalización’, Cracow, Poland, July 11-13, 2012.
- 2009 presentation: “Debt dynamics in an indigenous community in Mexico’ at the ‘Beyond redistribution: Household Over-indebtedness in Southern Countries’, Workshop organized by Rural Microfinance and Employment research group (RuMe) Paris – IEDES, France, December 7-9, 2009.
- 2009 presentation: “Microcredits in the local context of the indigenous community’ at the 53th International Congress of Americanists (ICA) group: Industrialization, territory and local development, Mexico City, Mexico, July 19-24, 2009.
- 2008 presentation: “Microcredits in the indigenous community in Mexico’ at the conference of The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics “Economic Flexibility and Social Stability in the Age of Globalization’ in San José, Costa Rica, July 21-23, 2008.
- 2007 presentation: ‘Zapatismo – global content in local communities and globalization of local ideas’ at the conference on Anthropological Perspective on Globalization in Poznań, organized by Polish Academy of Sciences and Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology UAM, Poland, October 23-24, 2007.
- 2006 presentation: ‘Land conflicts in the State of Michoacán in Mexico and the role of government in their moderation. An example of San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro’ at the VII Polish Americanist Conference in Poznań: : ‘Polish americanist research: experience from 2003-2006’, Poland, December 14-15, 2006.
- 2006 presentation: ‘Community enterprise San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro (Michoacán, Mexico)’ at the IX Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Researchers: “Challenges of international development cooperation’, organized by University of Warsaw and UNDP, Warsaw, Poland, October 24-25, 2006.
- 2004 presentation: “Indigenous local culture as a resistance to global integration - Año Nuevo Purhépecha’ at the VI Polish Americanist Conference in Poznań: “Globalization in Latin America: indigenous peoples’ issues’, Poland, December 9-10, 2004.
Selected conference and workshop participation without presentation:
- 2016 II Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR, Barcelona, Spain, September 6 -9, 2016
- 2012 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Venice, Italy, September 19-23, 2012.
Awards and Scholarships
Scholarships and academic exchange:
- July, 2018-February, 2019 visiting researcher at the Department of Anthropology, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- September-October, 2015 two month didactic placement at the Department of Anthropology, University of Barcelona.
- October-December, 2011 visiting student at the University of Sussex (Anthropology Department).
- July-October, 2009 Mexican Government scholarship, El Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora, Mexico.
- March-October, 2006 Mexican Government scholarship, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social Occidente, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- October, 2004-February, 2005 exchange student at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Poland.
- October, 2003-May, 2004 - studies at the Department of Social Anthropology and Prehistory, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain, under Socrates-Erasmus student exchange program.
- 2013 Ignacy Domeyko Award for the Ph.D. thesis.
- 2006 An award in a contest for best M.A. thesis organized by the Centre of Latin American Studies at the University of Warsaw.
Member of scientific organizations
- Network of Iberoamerican Anthropologists
- EASA European Association of Social Anthropologists
- Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Latynoamerykanistycznych (Polish Association for Latin American Studies)
- Polski Instytut Antropologii (Polish Institute of Anthropology)
Selected resarch groups:
- from 2016 membership in the Reciprocity Studies Group, University of Barcelona.
- 2011-2013 membership in the international activist research group in agro-ecological project ‘Beyond Our Backyards’.
- 2009-2013 membership in the international research group Rural Microfinance and Employment (RuMe) at the Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies IEDES, Sorbonne, Paris.
- 2007-2011 coordination of the interdisciplinary research group Anthropology of Development at The Graduate School of Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2006 research group Focos Rojos in Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología working on the evaluation of the Mexican government program on reconciliation of the land conflicts in the state of Michoacán in Mexico.