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University of Warsaw

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Seminarium IEiAK UW z udziałem Alexa K. Raysona Nature-Culture-Sacred Continuum: My Experience with a South Indian Indigenous Tribe

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IEiAK UW, ul. Żurawia 4, sala 108
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Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych na otwarte seminarium naukowe IEiAK UW i Stowarzyszenia Pracownia Etnograficzna

wyjątkowo w poniedziałek 21.11, godz. 10:00, IEiAK UW, s.108​

Rayson K. Alex Ph.D. (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani) wygłosi wykład

Nature-Culture-Sacred Continuum: My Experience with a South Indian Indigenous Tribe

My paper explores tiNai social order, a lifestyle of one of the Dravidian communities of India, that was closely connected to their land and environment as a fitting example of Nature-Culture-Sacred Continuum as opposed to the historically much debated nature-culture dichotomy. My presentation as a personal narrative, will throw light on tiNai as a methodology for ethnography largely deriving from my experience of research in a South Indian tribal hamlet during the years 2003-2008.

oraz zaprezentuje film The Story of Mudugar
Rayson K. Alex and Arun Bose S., 2009, India, 27 minutes, Language: Malayalam and English (with Subtitles in English)
An ecoethnographic account of the life, beliefs, myths,stories and songs of Mudugar – a tribal community in Attappady, Nilgiri Biosphere.

Dr. Rayson K. Alex is currently Assistant Professor at BITS-Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus. He was awarded his Ph.D. in 2011 for his dissertation titled Symbiosis in the Songs of Mudugar from University of Madras, Chennai. He is the secretary of tiNai, a pioneering institution in India promoting the academic area of ecocriticism. He is one of the authors of Essays in Ecocriticism (2007), the first volume in the area of ecocriticism in India and Culture and Media: Ecocritical Explorations (2014). He has directed/co-directed eighteen ethnographic video-documentaries of which the popular ones are The Story of Mudugar, Narikuravar (Life of a gypsy community in Tamil Nadu), Jenukurubar (Life of a tribal community in Karnataka), Learning from Jenukurubar, Nila Paranjathu (What the Nila Said - art forms of the communities living in the banks of river Nila in Kerala), Kalamezhuthupaattu (Art form of Pulluva community in Kerala), Chaakkadupaattu (Death song of Paraya community in Kerala). With the financial assistance of the World Oral Literature Project awarded to Dr. Alex from University of Cambridge, he established an experimental ethnographic and research centre named Mudugar-Kurumbar Research Centre at Attappady, Palakkad District, Kerala, to video document the life of the indigenous communities in the place. He is the Founder and co-Director of tiNai Ecofilm Festival.


W trakcie seminariów badania prezentują pracownicy instytutu, a także antropolodzy i przedstawiciele pokrewnych dyscyplin z kraju i ze świata. To okazja do zapoznania się z najnowszymi badaniami i swobodnej dyskusji w kameralnej atmosferze. Spotkania są otwarte dla publiczności. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych: zarówno badaczy, jak i studentów, absolwentów oraz wszelkie osoby, którym bliska jest tematyka seminariów. Więcej o seminariach

Spotkanie odbywa się w ramach projektu „Antropologia dziś - otwarte seminaria naukowe” finansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Projekt jest realizowany przez Stowarzyszenie „Pracownia Etnograficzna” im. Witolda Dynowskiego we współpracy z Instytutem Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW.