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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

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Violence Against Women In Poland – What Tradition Has To Do With It?

Agnieszka Kościańska
Year of publication: 
Book/ journal title: 
V4 Revue

Violence against women knows no nationality or race. At the end of November many countries joined a 16-day action to raise awareness of the harms caused by it. These issues where highlighted in Poland, too, where the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence has remained unratified due to the controversy that has surrounded it. But we must ask ourselves: ‘What is so controversial about protecting battered and raped women?’

Artykuł Agnieszki Kościańskiej "Violence Against Women In Poland – What Tradition Has To Do With It?" ukazał się w V4 Revue i jest dostępny na stronie: http://visegradrevue.eu/?p=3179.