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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 316 11/ fax. 22 55 316 12

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Professor Maciej Ząbek

Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology University of Warsaw; Head of Section of Ethnic and Transcultural Studies


+48 22 5531659

Area of interest

Ethnography of Africa and the Middle East, Anthropology of politics, including anthropology of war, national identity, relation between the self and the other, studies on refugees and cultural context of human rights.


1988, MA, Zagroda Lobi w Południowo-Zachodniej Burkina Faso (The Lobi Farmstead in South-West Burkina Faso).
1997, PhD, Arabowie z Dar Hamid- społeczność w sytuacji zagrożenia ekologicznego (The Dar Hamid Arabs. A Community under Ecological Threat).
2008, habilitation, Biali i Czarni. Postawy Polaków wobec Afryki i Afrykanów (The Whites and the Blacks. Attitudes of Poles towards Africa and Africans).


Selected publications

  • Arabowie z Dar Hamid. Społeczność w sytuacji zagrożenia ekologicznego (The Dar Hamid Arabs. A Community under Ecological Threat). Warsaw, 1998.
  •  Róg Afryki. Historia i współczesność (The Horn of Africa. History and Contemporary Situation). Co-editor, Warsaw, 1999.
  •   Między piekłem a rajem. Problemy adaptacji kulturowej uchodźców i imigrantów w Polsce (Between Hell and Paradise. Problems of Cultural Adaptation of Refugees and Immigrants in Poland). editor, Warsaw, 2002.
  •  Wokół IV katarakty. Społeczności wiejskie nad środkowym Nilem przed wielką zmianą (Around the Fourth Cataract. Rural Communities on the Banks of the Central Nile before the Great Transformation). Editor, Warsaw, 2005.
  •  Biali i Czarni. Postawy Polaków wobec Afryki i Afrykanów (The Whites and the Blacks. Attitudes of Poles towards Africa and Africans). Warsaw, 2007.
  •  Uchodźcy w Polsce — próba spojrzenia antropologicznego (Refugees in Poland. Attempt at Anthropological Insight). Co-author Warsaw, 2008.



Research projects

Grant by the State Committee For Scientific Research (grant no. 1H02E 004): Relations between humans and the environment. Interdisciplinary Field Study in the Area of Polish Archaeological Research in Sudan
Grant by the State Committee For Scientific Research (grant no. 2767/H03/2006/31): Ethnic Structure of South Kurdufan Population. Transformations Resulting from Migration and Forced Displacements.

Selected extensive fieldwork:

    1989-1991, Sudan, fieldwork among the Dar Hamid Arabs.
    From 1995 to present, research on refugees and migrants in Poland and other countries (Sudan, Kenya, Turkey, Germany, and recently on Palestinian territories).

Short-term fieldwork:

    Sudan, 1984-1985, 2000, 2007
    Burkina Faso,1986-1987
    Turkey 1993, 1997, 1999
    Kenya 2000
    Yemen 2001
    Ukraine (East Carpathians) 1999 and 2009
    Georgia and Armenia 2004
    Mali 2008.

Awards and Scholarships

Clio Prize

Member of scientific organizations

Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne - od 1991