Doctors, the Social-Weavers. Knowledge and Knowledge-Making in Polish Primary Care
in "Anthropological Journal of European Cultures" vol. 30 (2021), issue 1(March 2021) an article by Rafał Śmiałecki: Doctors, the Social-Weavers. Knowledge and Knowledge-Making in Polish Primary Care was published.
This paper explores the problem of knowledge and knowledge-making among Polish primary care doctors. Following Kirsten Has-trup and Tim Ingold, I argue that doctors are skilful social-weavers capable of exploring and reconciling various orders of knowledge. Thus, through a diverse set of knowledgeable yarns – originating from professional and state regimes, and embedded in today’s social relationships and economies – doctors are involved in the art of weaving a fabric composed of many, it would seem, contradictory orders of knowledge. The fabric in question is one in a constant state of reworking – although it is one that establishes a meaningful and knowledgeable environment in which the doctors can perform.