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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 316 11/ fax. 22 55 316 12

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Julia Kunikowska

Graduate of the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw and Philological and Cultural Studies at the University of Warsaw. I research the history and contemporariness of a former village of Wolica, which is located in today's Ursynów and Wilanów, districts of Warsaw. I am interested in the "vanishing" of villages and towns. An Ursynów resident, but a Wolica resident at heart.

Area of interest

Disappearing villages, urban studies, cartography, visual anthropology, research in action, social archiving/archives, history of 19th century industrial cities.

Selected publications

- Wolica - a stubborn village on the outskirts of Warsaw, Zeszyty Wiejskie 2020.

- On the folk heritage of Wolica, a former village within the boundaries of Warsaw, Journal of Urban Ethnology, 2023.

Research projects

Doctoral thesis:

The former village of Wolica - persistence through oblivion. Analysis of the dynamics and conflicts shaping a stubborn village near Warsaw

Conferences and visiting lectures

- Participation in the workshop "Local self-governance and urban property relations"organised by Collaborative Research
Centre 294 „Structural Change of Property”. Lecture entitled "Village inside the capital: urban property relations in Warsaw's Wolica". Jena, October 2023

- Participation is a conference "Refleksyjne miasto" [Reflective City] organized by Sekcja Socjologii Miasta, Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne [The Section of Urban Sociology, The Polish Sociological Association]. Lecture titled: "Od mazowieckiej wsi do grodzonych osiedli - analiza zmian przestrzennych warszawskiej Wolicy" [From a Mazovian village to gated communities - analysis of spatial changes in the Warsaw's Wolica],  Gdańsk, June 2023.

- Lecture at "Dni Ursynowa" ["Ursynów Days"] - "My tu ciągle mieszkamy, między blokami" ["We still live here, among the blocks"], Warsaw, June 2023.

- 9th Environmental Conservation Conference, "Konserwacja Zapobiegawcza Środowiska, Etnograficzne dziedzictwo kulturowe: identyfikacja, szanse i zagrożenia we współczesnym świecie" ["Ethnographic cultural heritage: identification, opportunities and threats in the contemporary world"], UKSW, November 2021.

- Participation in the debate: "Potrzeba miejsca pamięci na Ursynowie" ["The need for a place of remembrance in Ursynów"] organised in cooperation with the Ursynów District Cultural Centre - MAL Kajakowa 12b, October 2021.