PhD Zuzanna Bogumił

In my research so far, I have dealt with the topic of contemporary religiosity in the Eastern Europe (Ukraine), the reconstruction of the path of French society to legalize homosexual partnerships and the creation of a new social contract called Pacte civil de solidarité, the analysis of historical exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe, and the issues of memory of local and urban communities in Poland, and the memory of Soviet repressions in Russia. This last phenomenon has been my basic research topic for over a dozen years. Additionally, I deal with the issue of the relationship between memory and religion and the role of memory in decolonization processes. Since 2022, the moment of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, I have also been dealing with the anthropology of migration.
Area of interest
memory studies, religion and memory entanglements, post-secular approach to memory processes, decolonial and post-colonialism with particular emphasis on post-communist regions, anthropology of historical museums, anthropology of migration and in particular migrations related to war mobilization
Research areas: Russia, France, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia
Research experience:
2020 - 2024: Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, research assistant professor
2011 – 2020: Maria Grzegorzewska University, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, teaching and research assistant professor
2010: Doctor of Humanities in the field of sociology received from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2004 – 2009: Doctoral studies at the School of Social Sciences at IFiS PAN.
2001 – 2003: University of Warsaw, Faculty of History, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (MA studies).
1998 – 2001: University of Warsaw, Faculty of History, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (BA studies).
1998 – 2001: Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Institute of Tourism and Recreation (BA studies).
Teaching experience:
In the summer semester 2024, I am conducting classes "Anthropology in action - pilot research" in Markowa in the Podkarpacie region
At the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Maria Grzegorzewska University, I conducted courses in:
contemporary civilization processes, museum and society, sociology of religion, problems of contemporary civilization, world religions, urban sociology, political sociology, visual sociology, sociology of communication, research project "Places and non-places of memory in urban space"
Selected publications
Selected publications from 2015:
1. Monographs
Z. Bogumił, T. Voronina. 2023. More than Alive. The Dead, Orthodoxy and Remembrance in Post-Soviet Russia. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.
Z. Bogumił, M. Głowacka-Grajper. 2019. Milieux de mémoire in Late Modernity: Local Communities, Religion and Historical Politics. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Z. Bogumił. 2018. Gulag Memories. The Rediscovery and Commemoration of Russia's Repressive Past. Translated from the Polish by Philip Palmer. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books.
Z. Bogumił, J. Wawrzyniak, T. Buchen, C. Ganzer, M. Senina. 2015. The Enemy on Display: The Second World War in Eastern European Museums. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books.
2. Edited volumes
Z. Bogumił, Y. Yurchuk (eds). 2022. Memory and Religion from a Postsecular Perspective. London & New York: Routledge.
Z. Bogumił, A. Szpociński (eds). 2018. Stare i nowe tendencje w obszarze pamięci społecznej. [Old and New Tendencies in the Social Memory]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar.
3. Articles in journals
Z, Bogumił. 2023. “From nonhuman to postsecular: Transformation of the difficult heritage of Soviet Repressions in Post-Soviet Russia.” International Journal of Heritage Studies doi: 10.1080/13527258.2023.2252791
C. Wanner, Z. Bogumił, S. Shtyrkov, and K. Gurchiani. 2023. “A Gallery of Ghosts: Death and Burial in Lands Marked by Trauma.” Material Religion 19 (2): 191–99.
Z. Bogumił. 2022. The Museum Visitor Book as a Means of Public Dialogue about the Gulag Past: The Case of the Solovki Museum. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 23(2), 315-338. doi:10.1353/kri.2022.0023.
Z. Bogumil, T. Voronina. 2020. „A Time of Persecution or a Time of Glory? The Russian Orthodox Church’s Centenary Commemorations of the 1917 Revolution.” Religion, State, Society. doi: 10.1080/09637494.2020.1761756
Z. Bogumił. M. Łukaszewicz. 2018. „Between History and Religion: The New Russian Martyrdom as an Invented Tradition.” East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 32 (4), 936-963.
Z. Bogumił, T. Voronina. 2018. “Islands of One Archipelago: Narratives about the Solovetskie Islands and the Memory of Soviet Repressions.” Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 10 (2), 104-21.
Bogumił, Z., Romanov, R. 2018. "Stena skorbi”, muzei GULAGa i drugie praktiki memorializatsii zhertv sovetskikh repressii. Interviu Zuzanny Bogumil s Romanom Romanovym. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 10, 2 (Aug. 2018), 157-163. DOI: 10.25285/2078-1938-2018-10-2-157-163
M. Łukaszewicz., Z. Bogumił. 2017. „Historia dwudziestowiecznych prześladowań Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego przedstawiona na ikonie Soboru Świętych Nowych Męczenników i Wyznawców Rosyjskich.” Studia Religiologica, 50 (1), s. 75–101; DOI:10.4467/20844077SR.17.005.6525
Bogumił, Z. 2017. „Pamięć religijna społeczności lokalnych – przykład Jedwabnego”. Kultura i Społeczeństwo, nr 3: 161-184.
Bogumił, Z. 2016. „Chłopska pamięć wojny – na przykładzie fotografii Feliksa Łukowskiego”, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, nr 1: 101-125.
Bogumił, Z, Moran, D & E Harrowell. 2015. “Sacred or Secular? ‘Memorial’, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Contested Commemoration of Soviet Repressions”, Europe-Asia Studies 67 (9) 1416-44.
Research projects
2021 - 2025: Leader of the project "Memory of Soviet repressions in the post-multi-colonial Russian Far East", a project hosted by the Faculty of Cultural and Art Sciences of the University of Warsaw, financed by the National Science Center, OPUS grant no. UMO-2020/39/B/HS6/02809
2023-2024: Leader of the project "Post-secular approach to memory processes in Central-Eastern Europe"; project ID number: 22230096, project financed by the Visegrad Fund.
2023 - 2024: Leader of the project "Crossing borders, building walls. Towards ethnography of Russian war mobilization", a project hosted by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and financed by NAWA, no. BPN/GIN/2022/1/00082/DEC/1.
2019-2024: Scientific supervisor of the project "Church, State and "Russia - My History": The Story of National History and the Legitimization of Vladimir Putin's Regime", leader Ekaterina Klimenko, PRELUDIUM NCN project 2019/33/N/HS6/00330
2017 - 2022: Leader of the project "From an enemy of the people to a holy martyr - analysis of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Revolution and the 80th anniversary of the Great Terror in Russia", a project hosted by the Maria Grzegorzewska University and financed by the National Science Center. OPUS grant no. UMO-2016/21/B/HS6/03782
2014 – 2018: Leader of the project "Milieux de memoire in Central and Eastern Europe - the example of Poland" project hosted by the Maria Grzegorzewska University and financed by the National Science Center. SONATA grant no. 2013/09/D/H/S6/02630
Conferences and visiting lectures
Organisation of conferences:
2024: Co-organizer with prof. Marta Bucholc (WS UW) of the international conference Remembrance, Religion and Secularity in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond, Warsaw, June 13-15, 2024. The conference is organized as part of the project "Post-secular approach to memory processes in Central-Eastern Europe", Visegrad Fund ID 22230096.
2024: Co-organizer with Dr. Iwona Kaliszewska (IEiAK UW), Dr. Katarzyna-Roman-Rawska (IS PAN) and Dr. Tomasz Rawski (WS UW) of the international conference (In)Visible Russian (Anti-) War Migration, March 13-15, 2024 For the organization of this conference, Zuzanna Bogumił received a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science, under the Excellent Science program, no. KONF/SP/0168/2023/0.1
2021: Member of the Local Committee organizing the Fifth MSA Annual Conference in Warsaw “Convergences”.
2019: Co-organizer with prof. Małgorzata Głowacka Grajper WS UW and Dr. Anna Wylegała IFiS PAN of the 2nd national memory studies conference "Studies on memory in Poland and about Poland", December 5-7, 2019.
2018: Co-Convenor of the international conference "Memory and Religion: Central and Eastern Europe in a Global Perspective", organized as part of the Genealogies of Memory series financed by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Warsaw, October 16-18, 2018. https://enrs. eu/edition/genealogies-of-memory-2018
Podcasts, summer schools, historical exhibitions:
2023: Co-organizer with Sean Guillory from the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Pittsburgh of a series of podcasts Religion in (Post-)Socialist Societies. Series was as part of the REEES project of Pitt's Speakers Series
2023: Curator together with Izabella Sariusz-Skąpska and Monika Kapa-Cichocka, of the outdoor exhibition "They fled to Manchuria. 80 years ago "Katyń was revealed" financed by the History Meeting House.
From 2021: Member of the working group on Lived Religion coordinated by Catharine Wanner, University of Pennsylvania.
2017: Co-organizer of a summer school for PhD students from Poland and Russia on the Solovetsky Islands entitled "Archipelago of Memory" (1-11/07/2017). The summer school was sponsored by the Center for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding and had four tutors: prof. Małgorzata Głowacka-Grajper from WS UW, dr. Sonia Tchouikina from Universite Paris VIII, dr. Tatiana Voronia from Zurich University and me.
2016: Curator together with Ewa Mazur, of the historical exhibition "Remembered Unsaved. About the war in the photographs of Feliks Łukowski.", exhibition prepared as part of an internal APS grant and financed by the History Meeting House in Warsaw, May 24 - August 21, 2016.