Professor Zofia Sokolewicz

Area of interest
economic anthropology, theory of culture, transcultural communication and European integration. Fieldwork conducted in Poland, Brittany, Macedonia, Mongolia
Professor Zofia Sokolewicz was born in 1932 in Warsaw. She completed her M.A in Ethnography at the Jagiellonian University and her PhD at the University of Warsaw (dissertation title: The Development of Farming Technology, Social Structure and the Organization of Production Process). Her habilitation book was titled Plon, obrzęd, widowisko (1968, Harvest, Ritual and Spectacle).
She was the head of the Department of Ethnography (later renamed as Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology) at the University of Warsaw from 1973 till 1999.
Her research interests include economic anthropology and theory of culture, since 1986 she is also interested in European Studies. She was the co-founder and the head of the Centre for Europe at the University of Warsaw.
Currently, she is an emeritus professor at the Institute of Ethnology and the Centre for Europe. Moreover, she is a professor of European Studies at the Higher School of National Economy in Kutno.
She has given guest lectures at the University of Lund, the University of Sofia, the University of Belgrade and was a fellow of the Ford Foundation (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) and at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. She was a Jean Monnet Lecturer in cultural politics of the European Union and the Council of Europe (1996-2003).
She has received awards from the Minister of National Education, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of History of Material Culture and Division I Social Sciences).
She conducted her fieldwork in Poland (Kurpie and Podlachia), Mongolia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Brittany.
1999 - professor ordinarius at The Institute of Ethnology and Culture Anthropology
1976 - professor extraordinarius (Warsaw University)
1968 - postdoctoral degree (Warsaw University)
1962 - doctorate (Warsaw University)
1955 - master of art (Jagiellonian University)
1953 - first degree diploma at Faculty of History WU
Employments and memberships
2009- member of Society of Sciene in Warsaw
2008- member of Polish Academy of Skliis (Cracow)
1991 - coorganizer, vice-CEO and CEO of European Centre (1992-1995)
1988 coorganizer of Warsaw University Museum
1987 - 1997 organizer and director of the Open Education School, restructed in 1998 to Centre for Open and Multimedia Education (COME)
1986 - 1990 - head of the programme PBP III.33 (Foundation of european culture)
1975 - 1985 - head of the research group "Folklore and ethnography aa a central question of polish national culture"
1973 - 1999 CEO of the Chair in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology WU (the Chair of Ethnology until 1985)
1972 - 1975 - head of workshop for socio-cultural issues at Dep. of African Studies WU.
1970-1985 - repeated chairmanship of the ethnographical didactic unit at Ministry of Science and Higher Education
1969 - 1975 - vice-director for student affairs at Dep. of African Studies WU
1958 - 1976 - coorganizer and member of Dep. of African Studies WU.
1955-1957 - cooperation with International Secretariat on Ploughing Implements (Copenhagen)
1953 - until now member of Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (former Chair in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
Selected publications
Selected books include:
Plon, obrzęd, widowisko (Harvest, Ritual and Spectacle, 1968),
Wprowadzenie do etnologii (Introduction to Ethnology, 1974),
Pługi. Polski Atlas Etnograficzny (Plows. The Polish Ethnographic Atlas, 1968, 19993),
Mitologia Czarnej Afryki (Mythology of Black Africa, 1986),
Staatsburgerschaft und Nationalitat — ein polnisches, mitteleuropaisches oder europaeisches dilemme? (1996),
Wojna, konflikt i kategorie antropologiczne (War, Conflict and Anthropological Categories, 1996),
Prawa człowieka, prawa kulturalne a prawo do różnicy (Human Right, Cultural Rights and the Right to Difference, 1999),
Suwerenność, narodowość, wielokulturowość (Sovereignty, Nationality, Multiculturalism, 1999),
Co dalej z tożsamością europejską? (What Will Happen to European Identity, 2003).
Publications 2005-2011
Jacek Olędzki in remembrance of mine, in Etnografia Nowa, N. 2, p. 29-39, 2010 [in Polish]
Nationality and Citizenship, in Prawa mniejszości narodowych, p. 54-72, 2010 [in Polish]
Revolution, generation conflict or cumulation of the experience - shift of topics of polish ethnography after Second World War, in Antropolog wobec współczesności. Tom w darze Profesor Annie Zadrożyńskiej, p. 15-35, 2010. [in Polish]
Dissapearing subject of the reserach? Ethnography/ethnology/antrhopology of globalization, in Zanikające granice. Antropologizacja nauki i jej dyskursów, p. 43-58, 2009. [in Polish]
The Polish debate on European Christian Values. Some thoughts concerning marginal issues of Poland’s negotiations for membership of the European Union, in Exploring home, neighbouring and distant cultures, p. 13-22, 2008 (paper in English)
What is not discussed face to face, in Przemilczenia w relacjach międzykulturowych, p. 79-94, 2008 [in Polish]
Chairs, scholars, in: Historia i współczesność warszawskiej etnologii. Zjazd absolwentów, p. 10-33, 2007 [in Polish]
Culture in the process of european integration, in: Europeistyka w zarysie, p. 319-337, 2006 [in Polish]
Preface to Library of the Classics of Anthropology, in: Bóg wody. Rozmowy z Ogotemmelim, p. 5-6, 2006 [in Polish]
Culture as a chance for European Union (Notes on margin of culture politics), in: Europa szansą dla kultury, p. 7-15, 2005 [in Polish]
number of citations - 72
H-index - 4
Research projects
Most important (not exactly from last 10 years, because of professor emeritus status):
2004 - grant from Foundation For Polish Science NESTOR, 4 months at Jagiellonian University
1974 - until now - member of editorial comitte of Etnologia Europaea
1964 scholarship at Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes (Paris); member of Claude Levi-Strauss seminar, Maurice Godelier as a tutor.
1955-1957 - cooperation with International Secretariat on Ploughing Implements (Copenhagen)
1958-1959 scholarship at London School of Economics and Political Science; sir Raymonda Firth and Isaac Shapera (Department of Anthropology) as tutors
Awards and Scholarships
Prizes and Scholarschips
Gold Cross of Merit - 1975
Order of Rebirth of Poland, Knight’s Cross - 1978
Order of Rebirth of Poland, Officer’s Cross - 2001
Medal of National Museum in Szczecin - 2002
Gold Medal for the 50th anniversary of The Institue of Archeology and Ethnology PAN - 2003
Honoured for Polish Culture, certificate no. 240 for the 50th anniversary of research work - 2005
Medal of Warsaw University - 2005
Council of Europe - acknowledgements for the development of european studies in Poland - 2005
Member of scientific organizations
Scientific organizations
Professor Sokolewicz is a fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, a member of the Polish European Community Studies Association, a member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists and a corresponding member of Polska Akademia Umiejętoności (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences). She is also a member of several editorial boards (Ethnologia Europeea, Kultura Współczena, Yearbook of European Studies, Kultura i Społeczeństwo).