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Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 
University of Warsaw

Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 316 11/ fax. 22 55 316 12

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Professor Anna Wieczorkiewicz


+48 22 55 31 659

Area of interest

anthropology of body; anthropology of toursim


I am a graduate of both the Institute of Polish Studies and the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Univeristy of Warsaw. My Ph.D. dissertation, which was on the literary version of migration, was written in the Institute of Literary Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences, whereas my post-doctoral dissertation was completed in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Polish Academy of Sciences), with which I have been linked professionally since 1992. The dissertation concerned the philosophy of culture.
I am interested in the type of reflection on culture that reveals the multiple links between tradition and modernity. The material of my reflections is of a varied nature. I have taken interest in museum reality and also in the reality caught while travelliing, in body practices and in images of human bodies, trying to catch the rhetoric of expressing different cultural senses.


Selected publications


Wędrowcy fikcyjnych światów. Rycerz, pielgrzym i włóczęga (Migrants of Fictitious Worlds. The Knight, Pilgrim and Tramp), Gdańsk: Słowo / Obraz Terytoria, 1997.

Muzeum ludzkich ciał. Anatomia spojrzenia (A Museum of Human Bodies. The Anatomy of a Look), Gdańsk: Słowo / Obraz Terytoria, 2000.

Apetyty turysty. O podróżniczych kontaktach ze światem (The Appetites of a Tourist. On Travelling Contacts with the World), Kraków: Universitas, 2008.

Monstruarium, Gdańsk: Słowo / Obraz Terytoria

Books that I have co-edited:

Ucieleśnienia. Myśl — praktyka — reprezentacja (Personifications. Thought — Practice — Representation), eds. Anna Wieczorkiewicz & Joanna Bator, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 2007.

Ucieleśnienia. Płeć między ciałem i tekstem (Personifications. Gender between the Body and Text), eds. Joanna Bator & Anna Wieczorkiewicz, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 2008.

Wizje kultury własnej, obcej i wspólnej w sytuacji kontaktu (Visions of One's Own, Foreign and Common Culture when There Is Contact), eds. Monika Kostaszuk Romanowska, Anna Wieczorkiewicz, Białystok: Galeria Slendzińskich, 2009.